Painting and Coating NESHAP Rules


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4W MACT (fiberglass)

Industrial Coatings Webinar Series

Painting for lower costs, better finish, and cleaner air. Save the dates for this FREE January webinar series - 14th, 21st, and 28th at 9am. Session details are listed below. Pre-registration is simple, but is required. When you register, you will receive a confirmation email containing the information needed to join the webinar. You will need to register for each webinar separately. This webinar series is paid for in part by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

January 14, 2016 - Marty Powell, Territory Manager, Global Finishing Solutions, presented a webinar on increasing paint booth efficiency and reducing particulate and VOC emissions. Watch the recorded webinar below and learn how technology and management practices can increase productivity and reduce operating costs. The focus is on particulate removal, heat/cooling recovery, booth/filter maintenance for booth efficiency. Discussion also included recirculation booths for VOC abatement and reducing HVAC capital costs, as well as concepts for energy savings and safety. 

Industrial Coatings Webinar Series - Increasing Paint Booth Efficiency and Reducing Particulate and VOC Emissions from PPI/SBEAP on Vimeo.

January 21, 2016 – Jesus Guerrero, Product Manager Atomization, Finishing Brands, presented a webinar on optimizing spray gun transfer efficiency. Watch the recorded webinar below to learn about liquid spray technology and best management practices that can help you reduce operating costs and air emissions and increase quality and productivity.

Industrial Coatings Webinar Series - Optimize Spray Gun Transfer Efficiency from PPI/SBEAP on Vimeo.

January 28, 2016 - Nick Liberto, President, Powder Coating Consultants, presented a webinar on the benefits of powder coating technology developed by the Powder Coating Institute. Watch the recorded webinar below to learn how to convert your current liquid spray technology to powder coating to increase quality and productivity while reducing operating costs and improving your environmental footprint.

Copyright © 2016 The Powder Coating Institute. Reproduction or use of these slides is prohibited without the written consent of The Powder Coating Institute

Industrial Coatings Webinar Series - Powder Coating Technology from PPI/SBEAP on Vimeo.