SBEAP provides technical assistance regarding general NPDES permit requirements for the discharge of industrial stormwater and some process wastewaters. We work with numerous small manufacturing facilities in Kansas, both on-site and via our environmental hotline, and provide permitting and compliance assistance with KDHE regulations. Below you will find a variety of helpful NPDES resources. If you have a question or are in need of assistance, call 800-578-8898 or email

Industrial stormwater

Most industry sectors are required to file for a general stormwater permit to improve the quality of stormwater runoff associated with industrial activities subject to federal Clean Water Act provisions or Kansas surface water quality standards. The general stormwater permit regulates discharges of stormwater runoff from certain types of industrial activities subject to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements.

Industry sector-specific resources

Kansas small town and rural meat processing facilities

Meat processors/locker plants located in small towns and rural areas present unique challenges to the local infrastructure, specifically with wastewater. The waste process water and washdown water contain manure, blood and other organics which often result in high-strength wastewater as well as an increased possibility of wastewater conveyance system blockages. Although all meat processing facilities must address these special operational requirements, some new or expanding facilities and the governmental jurisdictions they expand into are not aware of these requirements early enough in the planning and expansion process. This guidance explains those environmental permitting requirements, considerations and contacts. 

Ready-mix concrete

Compliance initiative for Kansas non-discharging ready-mix concrete industry has been completed

SBEAP and Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Water have completed the initiative and the 2022 Ready-Mix Concrete and Concrete Products Plants General NPDES Permit has been issued. A copy of this permit as well other associated documents can be found on the KDHE website. 

Additionally, a PowerPoint presentation was assembled by SBEAP and KDHE at the conclusion of the initiative. If you have questions about the report or the initiative, call KDHE at 785-296-2856 or SBEAP at 800-578-8898. Specific information regarding the Kansas RMC General NPDES Permit can be found at KDHE Bureau of Water webpage.

Dental amalgam

Effective July 14, 2017, the U.S. EPA adopted Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Dental Category Final Rule to reduce the discharge of mercury-containing amalgam from dental practices into publicly owned treatment works (POTW). (40 CFR Part 441). 

Summary of dental amalgam rule

Dental offices, schools and clinics where dentistry is practiced that discharge to a publicly owned treatment works (e.g., municipal sewage system) are subject to this rule. Impacted facilities completed a one-time compliance report, and additionally they had to:

  • Operate and maintain an amalgam separator compliant with ISO11143 (2008).
  • Avoid discharging scrap amalgam, oxidizing or acidic cleaners with a pH less than 6 or greater than 8, such as bleach, chlorine or peroxide.
  • Certify their practice's compliance with the regulation by submitting a one-time compliance report and retaining a copy for their records.    

Related Resources