Sustainable Materials Management Resources

These Sustainable Materials Management, or SMM, resources were gathered as part of a two-year SMM grant project that was awarded to PPI by EPA Region 7 in October 2021.

SMM is an EPA-sponsored program that offers a systematic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycle. It involves making more informed choices about the materials we use, their production, consumption, management, and disposal.

Adopting SMM practices can reduce waste, promote conservation, and support economic growth, which ultimately helps the nation build a circular economy.

Maps for improving materials management

Excess Food Opportunities Map

EPA Excess Food Opportunities Map
Map of national excess and wasted food producers and receivers

EPA Recyling Opportunites Map

EPA Recycling Infrastructure and Market Opportunities Map
Map of national recycling opportunities for donors, sellers, and buyers

Kansas Recycles Map

KOR/KDHE Kansas Recycles Map
Map of Kansas recycling facilities based on accepted materials

MARC Regional Food System Map

MARC Kansas City Regional Food System Map
Map of excess food opportunities in the Kansas City metro area

Toolkits and guides

ReFED Solutions Database

ReFED Solutions Database
Excess and wasted food diversion opportunities and their estimated impacts

EPA Model Recycling Program Kit

EPA Model Recycling Program Toolkit
Searchable toolkit to find resources, like case studies and education materials, for many different materials types and disposal pathways.

Seven Generations Ahead Zero Waste Schools

Seven Generations Ahead Zero Waste Schools Toolkit
Online toolkit to help schools get to zero waste, complete with educational materials, webinar recordings, templates, and more

EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy

EPA food loss prevention options for schools, manufacturers, restaurants, universities and grocery stores

Legal Fact Sheet

Federal Liability Protection For Food Donation: Legal Fact Sheet
Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic fact sheet on food donation liability protection

What can I recycle

The Recycling Partnership: What Can I Recycle?
Learn what items can be recycled at facilities near you

Trash the trash litter pickup

PPI's Trash the Trash: Guide for hosting a litter pickup at your facility
Tips to help organize a pickup event and reduce escaped trash

EPA Guide for Commercial Buildings

EPA Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings
Resources and tools for reducing waste generated by office buildings, schools, stores, hotels, restaurants, etc.

More resources buttin


College food waste webinar

College Food Waste Webinar
PPI's Jacob Larson and guests from two Kansas colleges explore food waste in higher education

K12 Food Waste webinar

K-12 Food Waste Webinar
PPI hosts a panel of speakers to explore school food waste

Food Waste video

#OneThing4Earth- Food Waste
Tips to reduce food waste


Plastic Waste video

#OneThing4Earth- Plastic
Tips to reduce plastic usage and waste

Other helpful links and organizations