P2 Resources

Chemical Manufacturing: Implementing Green Chemistry and P2 Solutions

Automotive, Aerospace, and Metal Manufacturing Webinar: P2 Opportunities for Industrial Efficiency

Sustainable Food and Beverage Manufacturing Webinar: P2 Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact

Webinar: EPA Compliance Initiatives - Resources to Mitigate Impacts to Small Business

Aerospace manufacturing solvent reduction tips video

In this training video, Hannah Samaniego from Spirit AeroSystems Environmental Programs discusses solvent usage, disposal and recycling. This video identifies best practices to help reduce environmental, health, and safety concerns associated with solvent use. It also includes information about solvent-reduction practices that promote sustainability and cost savings.

P2 in Under 2 video series

Need some inspiration for P2 projects? Watch these short videos for ideas to jumpstart your P2 efforts. Subjects include data monitoring, powder coating, painter training, solvent reclamation and inventory control.

P2 and Metal Fabricating and Finishing Webinar

This webinar featured guest speaker and consultant to the metal fabrication and finishing industry, Dr. Katy Wolf, PhD. It also covered findings from summer 2021 internships at metal-finishing-type industries and highlighted metal fabricating pollution prevention strategies for metal degreasing and cleaning. 

View archived webinar
Download slides from webinar

New Pollution Prevention Strategy Videos

Do you have 6-9 minutes to learn about how P2 can help you reduce air emissions, hazardous waste, reduce expensive wastewater treatment and conserve your materials? These videos are short, but concise and provide guidance on best practices that you can begin to implement in your workplace immediately without great expense, but can result in significant cost savings. 

P2 and Understanding Safety Data Sheets - This six minute video explains how to use SDS to identify chemicals that contribute to your air emissions, hazardous waste generation, expensive wastewater treatment and even employee exposures in your workplace. 

P2 and Chemical Replacement - This six minute video highlights tools that can be used to help you identify less hazardous chemical substitutions for the chemicals in use in your workplace.

P2 and Chemical Inventory Management  - This seven minute video covers chemical and material management strategies that reduce waste generated, pollution created and material costs in your workplace. 

P2 and Process Change - This nine minute video covers process change strategies that can reduce your hazardous waste generation, air emissions, wastewater treatment costs as well as improve production efficiencies. 

P2 and Best Practices for the Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Industries

For the FY 2020/2021 EPA P2 Grant period, the US EPA has selected five industry types for their national emphasis areas, or NEAs, that offer significant opportunities for pollution prevention, economic and environmental impact.  These are food and beverage manufacturing and processing, chemical manufacturing, processing and formulation, automotive manufacturing and maintenance, aerospace product and parts manufacturing and maintenance, and metal manufacturing and fabrication.

On Nov. 5, 2020, PPI hosted a live workshop on environmental compliance, P2 and best practices for industries engaged in metal fabrication and finishing. You can view the recorded workshop on the PPI YouTube channel.

Trichloroethylene (TCE) Roundtables

Trichloroethylene, or TCE, is a priority chemical identified under TSCA. It is a toxic organic compound typically only used by industry as a solvent to remove grease from metal parts, as a spot cleaner or to make hydrofluorocarbon chemicals. It is carcinogenic to humans by all routes, and EPA estimates nearly 250 million pounds are used in the U.S. annually. In Nov. of 2020, EPA released their present their Final TCE Risk Evaluation. The risk evaluation examined 54 conditions of use and found the majority created an "unreasonable risk" to users.  New or proposed restrictions or regulations on TCE use are anticipated in the next year.

In Kansas, aerospace manufacturers and their job shops are the primary users of TCE. Under an EPA grant, the Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) has worked with its TCE users to host four different stakeholder meetings or roundtables between 2017 and 2021. Click here to learn more about TCE and view information and videos from past TCE events. Industries with questions about how to reduce or eliminate their TCE use are encouraged to contact us at 800-578-8898 or nlarson@ksu.edu.

Region 7 Pollution Prevention Roundtable

The Region 7 Pollution Prevention Roundtable (R7P2RT) is a group made up of State programs, stakeholders and EPA that work with pollution prevention projects primarily in Region 7. Click here to view R7P2RT resources.